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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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§ 75-l. Preemption. 1. Except as provided in subdivision two of this
section, this article shall supersede and preempt all rules,
regulations, codes, statutes or ordinances of all cities, counties,
municipalities, and local agencies regarding customer safety at
automated teller machine facilities.

2. To the extent that any security measures inconsistent with or in
addition to the provisions of section seventy-five-c of this article are
in effect, on the date on which this article becomes a law, in any city
having a population of one million or more, pursuant to any rules,
regulations, codes, statutes or ordinances regarding customer safety at
automated teller machine facilities duly enacted by such city on or
before the date on which this article becomes a law, such security
measures shall continue to be required within such city; provided,
however, that the enforcement of any such security measures shall be
enforced by the superintendent.