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This entry was published on 2024-06-14
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Directors and officers
Business Corporation (BSC) CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE 15
§ 1508. Directors and officers.

(a) No individual may be a director or officer of a professional
service corporation unless he is authorized by law to practice in this
state a profession which such corporation is authorized to practice and
is either a shareholder of such corporation or engaged in the practice
of his profession in such corporation.

(b) The directors and officers of a design professional service
corporation may include individuals who are not design professionals,
provided however that greater than seventy-five percent of the
directors, greater than seventy-five percent of the officers and the
president, the chairperson of the board of directors and the chief
executive officer or officers are authorized by law to practice in this
state a profession which such corporation is authorized to practice, and
are either shareholders of such corporation or engaged in the practice
of their professions in such corporation.

(c) The directors and officers of any firm established for the
business purpose of incorporating as a professional service corporation
pursuant to paragraph (h) of section fifteen hundred three of this
article may include individuals who are not licensed to practice public
accountancy in any state, provided however that at least a simple
majority of the directors, at least a simple majority of the officers
and the president, the chairperson of the board of directors and the
chief executive officer or officers are authorized by law to practice in
any state the profession which such corporation is authorized to
practice, and are either shareholders of such corporation or engaged in
the practice of their professions in such corporation.