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This entry was published on 2016-04-15
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Sham or collusive exhibitions
Boxing, Sparring and Wrestling Ch. 912/20 (BSW) CHAPTER ROOT
* § 15. Sham or collusive exhibitions. Any person, including any
corporation and the officers thereof, any physician, referee, judge,
timekeeper, boxer, manager, trainer or second, who shall promote,
conduct, give or participate in any sham or collusive boxing or sparring
match or exhibition, shall be deprived of his license by the commission.

No licensed promoting corporation or matchmaker shall knowingly engage
in a course of conduct in which fights are arranged where one boxer has
skills or experience significantly in excess of the other boxer so that
a mismatch results with the potential of physical harm to the boxer. If
such action occurs, the commission may exercise its powers to discipline
under section seventeen of this chapter.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2016