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This entry was published on 2016-04-15
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Regulation of boxing contracts and promotion of matches
Boxing, Sparring and Wrestling Ch. 912/20 (BSW) CHAPTER ROOT
* § 34. Regulation of boxing contracts and promotion of matches. 1. No
professional boxing match may occur in the state unless the organization
that promotes, sanctions or otherwise participates in the proposition,
selection, or arrangement of one or more boxers for a contest files with
the commission a written statement executed under penalty of perjury
stating (a) all charges, expenses, fees, and costs that will be assessed
against any boxer participating in the event; (b) all payments,
benefits, complimentary benefits and fees the organization or entity
will receive for its affiliation with the event; (c) the name of the
promoter; (d) sponsor of the event; and (e) all other sources, and such
other and additional information as required by the commission. Such
written statement shall be filed in a form and manner acceptable to the

2. No professional boxing match may occur in this state unless the
promoter, organizer, producer or another that participates in the
proposition, selection, or arrangement of one or more boxers for a
contest files with the commission a written statement under penalty of
perjury detailing all charges, fees, costs and expenses by or through
the promoter on the boxer pertaining to the event, including any portion
of the boxer's purse that the promoter will receive and training
expenses and all payments, gifts or benefits the promoter is providing
to any sanctioning organization affiliated with the event. Such written
statement shall be filed in a form and manner acceptable to the

3. No professional boxing match may occur in this state unless the
promoter, organizer, producer or another that participates in the
proposition, selection, or arrangement of one or more boxers for a
contest files with the commission a copy of any agreement in writing to
which the promoter is a party with any boxer participating in the match.

4. Any contract between a boxer and a promoter or manager shall
provide for specific limitation of option contracts between the boxer
and the promoter or between promoters with respect to a boxer, to no
more than one year, if the granting of such rights is required as a
condition to the boxer's participation in a contest, renewable only in
writing signed by both parties.

5. Any promoter exercising promotional rights with respect to a boxer
during the twelve month period beginning on the day after the last day
of the promotional right period described in subdivision four of this
section between a boxer and the promoter or manager may not secure
exclusive promotional rights from the boxer's opponents as a condition
of participating in a professional boxing match against the boxer, and
any contract to the contrary is contrary to public policy and

6. Any specific agreement or any provisions in any agreement requiring
the hiring, retention, employment, or the receipt of compensation by any
relative, associate, or other individual in any capacity connected to
the promoter or manager is against public policy and unenforceable.

7. Any contract between a boxer and the promoter or manager shall be
in writing and filed with the commission at the time any agreement is
made for a match to take place in the state. All promoters or managers
shall also file with the commission complete and accurate copies of all
fees and costs that will be assessed against the boxer.

8. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply to
any corporation or partnership which operates a facility used, among
other things, for the purposes of conducting, holding, presenting or
hosting professional boxing matches, provided such entity does not act
as a promoter regarding such matches.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2016