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Medical advisory board
Boxing, Sparring and Wrestling Ch. 912/20 (BSW) CHAPTER ROOT
* § 4. Medical advisory board. 1. A medical advisory board is hereby
created in the division of the state athletic commission, to consist of
nine members, to be appointed by the governor. Of the members first
appointed by the governor, three shall be appointed for terms of one
year, three for terms of two years, and three members shall be appointed
for terms of three years, from and after the date of their appointment.
The governor shall designate one of such members as chairman of the
advisory board. The term of a member thereafter appointed, except to
fill a vacancy, shall be three years from the expiration of the term of
his predecessor. Upon the appointment of a successor to the chairman of
the advisory board, the governor shall designate such successor or other
member of the advisory board as chairman. A vacancy occurring otherwise
than by expiration of term, shall be filled by appointment by the
governor for the remainder only of the term. Each member of the advisory
board shall be duly licensed to practice medicine in the state of New
York, and at the time of his appointment have had at least five years
experience in the practice of his profession. The members of the
advisory board shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the
commission within the amount provided by appropriation, and shall be
allowed and paid necessary traveling and other expenses incurred by
them, respectively, in the performance of their duties hereunder.

2. The advisory board shall have power and it shall be the duty of the
board to prepare and submit to the commission for approval regulations
and standards for the physical examination of professional boxers
including, without limitation, pre-fight and/or post-fight examinations
and periodic comprehensive examinations. The board shall continue to
serve in an advisory capacity to the commission and from time to time
prepare and submit to the commission for approval, such additional
regulations and standards of examination as in their judgment will
safeguard the physical welfare of professional boxers licensed by the
commission. The advisory board shall recommend to the commission from
time to time such qualified physicians, for the purpose of conducting
physical examinations of professional boxers and other services as the
rules of the commission shall provide; and shall recommend to the
commission a schedule of fees to be paid to physicians for such
examinations and other services as required by this act.

3. The advisory board shall develop appropriate medical education
programs for all commission personnel involved in the conduct of boxing
and sparring matches or exhibitions so that such personnel can recognize
and act upon evidence of potential or actual adverse medical indications
in a participant prior to or during the course of a match.

4. The advisory board shall review the credentials and performance of
each commission physician on an annual basis as a condition of
reappointment of each such physician, including each such physician's
comprehension of the medical literature on boxing referred to in
subdivision five of this section.

5. The advisory board shall recommend to the commission a compilation
of medical publications on the medical aspects of boxing which shall be
maintained by the commission and be made available for review to all
commission personnel involved in the conduct of any boxing or sparring
match or exhibition.

6. The advisory board shall also advise the commission on any study of
equipment, procedures or personnel which will, in their opinion, promote
the safety of boxing participants.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2016