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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Changes of purposes and powers of corporations incorporated or reincorporated hereunder
Benevolent Orders (BVO) CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 2
§ 14. Changes of purposes and powers of corporations incorporated or
reincorporated hereunder. 1. Any corporation incorporated or
reincorporated under this chapter may, within the authority conferred
and the limitations imposed by sections seven and eight, extend, limit
or otherwise change the purposes, objects or powers, or the use or
disposition of the revenues of the corporation, by filing a certificate
in the office of the secretary of state which shall be entitled and
endorsed "Certificate of (stating the nature of the change to be
accomplished) of (name of corporation) pursuant to section fourteen of
the benevolent orders law" and shall state:

(a) The name of the corporation and the names of the several bodies
comprising such corporation;

(b) The date of filing of the certificate of incorporation or
certificate of reincorporation in each state office where filed;

(c) The purposes, powers or provisions to be amended or eliminated;
the purposes, powers or provisions to be added or substituted, and the
use or disposition to be made of the revenues of the corporation.

2. The certificate shall be executed and acknowledged by the trustees
of such corporation who shall make and annex thereto an affidavit
stating that they have been authorized to execute and file such
certificate by a two-thirds vote of all the members of each of the
several bodies comprising such corporation present at any regular or
special meeting of such body, and that notice thereof was duly given
according to the constitution and by-laws, rules and regulations of such