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This entry was published on 2021-04-09
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Limitations of licensure; duration
§ 65. Limitations of licensure; duration. 1. No license of any kind
may be issued to a person under the age of twenty-one years, nor shall
any licensee employ anyone under the age of eighteen years. Any employee
eighteen years of age or older but under twenty-one years of age may not
have direct interaction with customers inside a licensed retail store.

2. (a) No licensee shall sell, deliver, or give away or cause or
permit or procure to be sold, delivered or given away any cannabis or
cannabis product to any person, actually or apparently, under the age of
twenty-one years or any visibly intoxicated person.

(b) It shall be an affirmative defense that such person had produced a
photographic identification card apparently issued by a governmental
entity and that the cannabis had been sold, delivered or given to such
person in reasonable reliance upon such identification. In evaluating
the applicability of such affirmative defense, the board shall take into
consideration any written policy or training adopted and implemented by
the licensee to prevent sales to minors.

3. No licensee or permittee shall knowingly sell, deliver or give away
or cause or permit or procure to be sold, delivered or given away to a
lawful cannabis consumer any amount of cannabis which they know would
cause the lawful cannabis consumer to be in violation of this chapter or
possession limits established by article two hundred twenty-two of the
penal law.

4. The board, on the recommendation of the office shall have the
authority to limit, by canopy, plant count, square footage or other
means, the amount of cannabis allowed to be grown, processed,
distributed or sold by a licensee.

5. All licenses under this article shall expire two years after the
date of issue.