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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Net retained proceeds or losses; distribution and payment
Cooperative Corporations (CCO) CHAPTER 77, ARTICLE 5-A
§ 90. Net retained proceeds or losses; distribution and payment. 1.
The net retained proceeds or losses of a worker cooperative shall be
apportioned and distributed at such times and in such manner as the
certificate of incorporation or by-laws shall specify. Net retained
proceeds declared as patronage allocations with respect to a period of
time, and paid or credited to members, shall be apportioned among the
members in accordance with the ratio which each member's patronage
during the period involved bears to total patronage by all members
during that period. As used in this article, "patronage" means the
amount of work performed as a member of a worker cooperative, measured
in accordance with the certificate of incorporation and by-laws.

2. The apportionment, distribution and payment of net retained
proceeds required by subdivision one of this section may be in cash,
credits, written notices of allocation, or capital stock issued by the
worker cooperative.