Joint Advisory Board on Broadcast of State Government Proceedings
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , JOINT_RULE 4
Section 1. Joint Advisory Board on Broadcast of State Government
Proceedings. The Temporary President of the Senate and the Speaker of
the Assembly shall convene a bi-partisan, bi-cameral joint advisory
board to oversee current and future broadcast of New York State
Government proceedings. This board shall consist of eight members of
whom three shall be appointed by the Temporary President of the Senate,
three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and one
member shall be appointed by each of the minority leaders of each house.
The appointments shall be of members of the respective houses of the
Legislature. The Temporary President of the Senate and the Speaker of
the Assembly shall each appoint a co-chair of the board.
Proceedings. The Temporary President of the Senate and the Speaker of
the Assembly shall convene a bi-partisan, bi-cameral joint advisory
board to oversee current and future broadcast of New York State
Government proceedings. This board shall consist of eight members of
whom three shall be appointed by the Temporary President of the Senate,
three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and one
member shall be appointed by each of the minority leaders of each house.
The appointments shall be of members of the respective houses of the
Legislature. The Temporary President of the Senate and the Speaker of
the Assembly shall each appoint a co-chair of the board.