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Duties of the Joint Advisory Board
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , JOINT_RULE 4
§ 2. Duties of the Joint Advisory Board. The joint advisory board
shall engage in such activities as it deems necessary for the
preparation and formulation of a report to review the efficacy of
current programming and explore future expansion of such to include
additional legislative and other governmental proceedings, as well as
other related public policy and educational material. The report shall
include specific recommendations concerning the broadcast or webcast on
the Internet of all legislative committee meetings. On or before
November 1, 2009, the report shall be submitted to the Temporary
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, the Minority
Leader of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the Assembly.




Filing of voting statement ........................... V Sec. 2, par g

Limit calling of roll of ............................. V Sec. 2, par a

Securing attendance of ............................... V Sec. 1, par c

Unexcused ........................................... IV Sec. 1, par b

Motion for ........................................... V Sec. 7, par a

Prohibiting motion for ............................... V Sec. 7, par b

Policy on ................................................... I Sec. 6

Amendment on ........................................ IV Sec. 6, par f

Adjournment ................................................. V Sec. 7

Appeal from decision of chair ........................ I Sec. 1, par c

Application, continuation or reform of

organization of house .................................... VI Sec. 4

Appointment of committees and sub-committees ......... I Sec. 1, par c

Chamber, lobbies, rooms and property ........................ I Sec. 3

Convening legislative term ................................. VI Sec. 1

Hours of sessions, limiting ................................ II Sec. 2

Motions, precedence of .............................. II Sec. 4, par a

Order of business .......................................... II Sec. 3

Organization of the house ......................................... VI

Pledge of Allegiance ................................. I Sec. 1, par b

VI Sec. 2, par d

Prayer .............................................. VI Sec. 2, par b

Speaker's powers and duties ................................. I Sec. 1

Televising session ....................................... X Sec. 1, 2

Admission to floor .................................... I Sec. 3 par b

Application, continuation or reform of organization

of house ................................................. VI Sec. 4

Control in speaker .......................................... I Sec. 3

Deemed bar of house .................................. V Sec. 1, par b

Disturbance in .............................................. I Sec. 3

Introductions ............................................... I Sec. 3

Lobbyists, prohibiting in ................................... I Sec. 3

Organization of the house ......................................... VI

Pledge of Allegiance ................................. I Sec. 1, par b

VI Sec. 2, par d

Prayer .............................................. VI Sec. 2, par b

Preserving order in ................................... I Sec. 1, 3, 4

Televising session ....................................... X Sec. 1, 2

Use by other bodies ......................................... I Sec. 3


Definition of ........................................ V Sec. 1, par b

Advancement, unanimous consent for ................. III Sec. 7, par a

Adverse report of committee ......................... IV Sec. 6, par j

Amending, adding letter of alphabet to

original number .................................. III Sec. 2, par b

Amending existing law, how drawn ................... III Sec. 6, par d

Amending to comply with rules ...................... III Sec. 1, par e

Amendment, delivering copy prior to debate ......... III Sec. 6, par a

Amendments, germane to original purpose ............ III Sec. 6, par e

Amendments, how made and distribution .............. III Sec. 6, par a

Amendments, offering more than one ................. III Sec. 6, par c

Appropriation - budget .............................. IV Sec. 6, par f

Assembly bills amended by Senate ............. III Sec. 2, 7, par c, d

Automatic reintroduction of ........................ III Sec. 2, par e

Budget ............................................. III Sec. 2, par g

Budget adoption schedule .................................... I Sec. 8

Committee reports .................................... IV Sec. 6, 7, 8

Contents of, form and titles,

bill sections, body ..................................... III Sec. 1

Correction of errors ...................................... III Sec. 8

Determining similarity of, notifying member ........ III Sec. 2, par h

Discharge of committee from consideration of ............... IV Sec. 7

Engrossing of ............................................. III Sec. 8

Explanatory note to be appended to certain ......... III Sec. 1, par d

Final day for introduction of ............................. III Sec. 4

First reading ...................................... III Sec. 2, par d

Hearings, notices of public ................................ IV Sec. 4

Home Rule requests received before

committee report .................................. IV Sec. 6, par l

Introduction of ..................................... III Sec. 2, 3, 4

Distribution of originals ........................ III Sec. 2, par a

Last day for state departments, etc. .................... III Sec. 4

Legislative Bill Drafting Commission,

preparation of ................................... III Sec. 2, par h

Memorandum required .................................... III Sec. 1, 2

Multi-sponsorship of ...................................... III Sec. 3

Placing on desks of members ........................ III Sec. 2, par a

Reading of, requiring three separate

days before passage............................... III Sec. 7, par a

Reconsider on final passage ...................... II Sec. 4, par b, c

Reference to another committee ................ IV Sec. 6, par g, h, i

Reference to committee or sub-committee

by speaker ................................... III Sec. 2, par a and

IV Sec. 3

Reference to rules committee

and report thereon ...................................... IV Sec. 10

Repealed, word printed in bill ..................... III Sec. 1, par c

Reprinting of, improperly drawn .................... III Sec. 1, par e

Resolutions to print extra copies .................. III Sec. 5, par a

Revision of ............................................... III Sec. 8

Second reading, report on and debate ............... III Sec. 7, par b

Starred ............................................ III Sec. 7, par f

Subject to public inspection ....................... III Sec. 2, par a

Submitted by Governor .............................. III Sec. 2, par g

Substitution of .................................... III Sec. 7, par f

Third reading, requiring 2 days

on calendar ...................................... III Sec. 7, par d

Title to state purpose of bill ..................... III Sec. 1, par a

Transmittal to Governor ................................... III Sec. 9
BREACH OF PRIVILEGE .................................... I Sec. 1, par c

Introduction of .................................... III Sec. 2, par g

Reporting of, from committee ........................ IV Sec. 6, par f
BUSINESS, Order of ........................................... II Sec. 3

CALENDAR, Bills on third reading ..................... III Sec. 7, par d

Absentees ................................................... V Sec. 1

Closed, majority leader .............................. V Sec. 2, par f

To secure attendance of members ...................... V Sec. 1, par c

When less than quorum ................................ V Sec. 2, par f

When not in order .................................... V Sec. 1, par c

While in progress, prohibiting other business,

exception ................................................. V Sec. 1

Access to desk of .................................... I Sec. 3, par f

Acting .............................................. VI Sec. 2, par a

Duties ........................................ VI Sec. 2, par c, d, e

Nomination .......................................... VI Sec. 2, par g

Presentation of petitions, etc. to .................. II Sec. 3, par e

Acting on pre-filed and carried over bills .......... IV Sec. 1, par d

Appointment of ....................................... I Sec. 1, par c

Amending bills in, returning of original

copy .............................................. IV Sec. 6, par k

Change of reference ........................................ IV Sec. 6

Conference Committee, on .................................. IV sec. 12

Considering bills jointly ........................... IV Sec. 1, par e

Discharge from consideration, notice, vote

time limit ............................................... IV Sec. 7

Ethics training ........................................... IV Sec. 13

Ex-officio members of ................................ I Sec. 1, par c

Hearings by, filing of schedules ........................... IV Sec. 4

Internship ................................................ IV Sec. 11

Joint legislative .......................................... IV Sec. 1

Judiciary, contest in election of member .................... V Sec. 8

Meetings of:

Agendas, changing of .............................. IV Sec. 2, par c

Agendas, furnishing and filing of,

making available ................................. IV Sec. 2, par b

Attendance records ................................. IV Sec. 2, par e

Coordinators ....................................... IV Sec. 2, par a

Defeat of bills in ................................. IV Sec. 2, par d

Executive sessions ................................. IV Sec. 2, par d

Functions until adjournment sine die ...................... IV Sec. 8

Limiting consideration of bills,

7 day provision ................................... IV Sec. 5, par a

Open to public ..................................... IV Sec. 2, par d

Operating on annual basis .......................... IV Sec. 1, par d

Posting schedule of ................................ IV Sec. 2, par a

Proxy votes ........................................ IV Sec. 2, par d

Membership of ............................................. IV Sec. 1

Naming of ................................................. IV Sec. 1

Reference of bills to, including

sub-committees ............................... III Sec. 2, par a and

IV Sec. 3
Reports of:

Adverse ............................................. IV Sec. 6, par j

Amendment, reprinting of bill .................... IV Sec. 6, par e, f

Annual ..................................................... IV Sec. 9

Assembly bill amended by Senate ..................... IV Sec. 6, par a

Bill in last amended form only ...................... IV Sec. 6, par k

Budget appropriation bills with

amendments ........................................ IV Sec. 6, par f

Contents of ......................................... IV Sec. 6, par b

Distributing lists of ............................... IV Sec. 6, par d

Dual reference ................................ IV Sec. 6, par g, h, i

Final, filing summary of ................................... IV Sec. 8

Holding for further action or study ................. IV Sec. 5, par b

Prohibiting ...................................... IV Sec. 6, par k, l

Referred to another committee ................. IV Sec. 6, par g, h, i

Resolutions, petitions, memorials or

remonstrances ..................................... IV Sec. 6, par c

Roll calls, making available to public .............. IV Sec. 2, par e

Statements of opinion ............................... IV Sec. 2, par f

Vote required to report bills .............................. IV Sec. 6

Requests filed requiring consideration of

bills by sponsor .................................. IV Sec. 5, par a

Select .............................................. IV Sec. 1, par e

Standing, list of ................................... IV Sec. 1, par a

From Governor, Senate, State Officers ............ II Sec. 3, par a, b

Respecting bills, right of

introducer to examine ..................................... V Sec. 4

Punishment for ....................................... V Sec. 2, par f

Purging of ........................................... V Sec. 2, par f

Refusal of member to vote ............................ V Sec. 2, par f
CONSTITUTION, Bills amending ...................... III Sec. 5, par d, f


Confinement to question ................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (1)

V Sec. 1, par c

Main question, definition and debate on ............ II, III Sec. 4, 7

Maintaining order during .................................... V Sec. 6

Limiting of ..................................... III Sec. 7, V Sec. 6

None on breach of privilege .............. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (12)

Personal reflection ....................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (1)

On second reading .................................. III Sec. 7, par b

Stenographic record of ..................................... II Sec. 1

Televising ............................................... X Sec. 1, 2


Admission to ...................................... I Sec. 3, par b, c

Exclusion from, by sergeant-at-arms ......................... I Sec. 4

Lobbyist not permitted on ............................ I Sec. 3, par d


Admission to floor ........................ I Sec. 3, par b subpar (1)

Bills submitted by ................................. III Sec. 2, par g

Introduction of bill under Art. 7

of Constitution .................................. III Sec. 2, par g

Message from ..................................... II Sec. 3, par a, b


Calling of ...................................... IV Sec. 4, par a,b,c

Filing schedule of .................................. IV Sec. 4, par d
HOME RULE, Request required before

committee report .................................... IV Sec. 6, par l

IMPEACHMENT, Resolutions ............................. III Sec. 5, par b

INTERNAL CONTROLS, SYSTEM ................................. VII Sec. 1

INTERNSHIP COMMITTEE ...................................... IV Sec. 11

JOINT LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES .......................... IV Sec. 1, par e
JOINT RULES (See "PERMANENT JOINT RULES") ............... PJR I Sec. 1-6

Correction of errors in ............................. II Sec. 3, par a

Entry and printing of question of order .............. V Sec. 6, par d

Entry of yeas and nays ............................ V Sec. 2, par b, c

Name of member introducing bill, etc. ....................... V Sec. 3

Reading of, of preceding day ........................ II Sec. 3, par a


Majority, appointed by Speaker ............ I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Majority, when to act as Speaker ............................ I Sec. 2

Minority .................................. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)
LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, Admission to Assembly ............. I Sec. 3, par b

subpar (1)
LOBBYIST, Not allowed on floor ......................... I Sec. 3, par d


Call of house not in order ........................... V Sec. 1, par c

Debate on ........................................... II Sec. 4, par d

Definition of ....................................... II Sec. 4, par d

On advancement of bill ............................. III Sec. 7, par b

Appointment of ............................ I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Ex-officio member of all committees ....... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Filing list of bills reported from

committee with .................................... IV Sec. 6, par d

Member of rules committee ................. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Quorum, moving for closed call of the house .......... V Sec. 2, par f

When to act as speaker ...................................... I Sec. 2
MEETINGS, Standing committees ................................ IV Sec. 2

Absentees, filing of voting statement ................ V Sec. 2, par g

Absentees, limiting call of .......................... V Sec. 2, par a

Appointment as temporary speaker .......... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (6)

Attendance of, during sessions .............................. V Sec. 1

Bills, introduction by ................................. III Sec. 2, 3

Calling of, into the House .................................. V Sec. 2

Communications respecting bills available

to introducers ............................................ V Sec. 4

Confinement of, to question ............... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (1)

Contempt, refusal to vote ............................ V Sec. 2, par f

Contest of election of ...................................... V Sec. 8

Debate .......................................... III Sec. 7, V Sec. 6

Employee candidates for Senate or Assembly ................. V Sec. 11


Entering name of .......................................... V Sec. 3

Entering questions of order by ..................... V Sec. 6, par d

Judiciary committee report on seating of ............ II Sec. 3, par b

Loss of privileges ................................... V Sec. 2, par f

Multi-sponsorship of bills ................................ III Sec. 3

Personal reflections ...................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (1)

Prohibit speaking or leaving seat .................... V Sec. 6, par d

Quorum ............................................... V Sec. 2, par f

Recognition of, in speaking .......................... V Sec. 6, par a

When to rise ............................ I Sec. 1, par c subpar (1)

Removal from bar of house ............................ V Sec. 2, par f

Restricted use of printing, mail and mass

communication facilities ................................. V Sec. 10
Seats of:

Keeping until house adjourns ....................... V Sec. 7, par a

Prohibiting occupation by other persons ............ I Sec. 3, par e

Limitations on ................................ III Sec. 7, V Sec. 6

Limiting appeal to house ................ I Sec. 1, par c subpar (2)

Staff, materials, etc. ...................................... V Sec. 9

Statement of opinion, included in

committee report .................................. IV Sec. 2, par f

Statement on matter not pending before the house ............ V Sec. 5

Stenographic record ........................................ II Sec. 1

Transgression of rules ............................... V Sec. 6, par c
Voting by:

Abstaining from ...................................... V Sec. 2, par a

Equally divided question ............................. V Sec. 6, par d

Explanation .......................................... V Sec. 6, par b

For special order for day .................................. II Sec. 3

Refusal .............................................. V Sec. 2, par f

Required .................................................... V Sec. 2

Slow roll call ....................................... V Sec. 2, par b

To discharge bill from committee ........................... IV Sec. 7

To suspend rules ........................................... IX Sec. 2

To rescind or postpone a special order

for the day ....................................... II Sec. 3, par d

On departure from order of business ........................ II Sec. 3

Unanimous consent to advance bill, etc. ............ III Sec. 7, par e
MEMORIALS, Presentation of ............................ II Sec. 3, par f

From Governor, Senate, State Officers ..... II Sec. 3 par a subpar (1)

From Senate to introduce bill ...................... III Sec. 2, par d

Ex-officio member of all committees ....... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Filing list of bills reported with .................. IV Sec. 6, par d

Call of the House ................................... V, Sec. 1, par c

For the previous question ........................... II Sec. 4, par d

List of various ..................................... II Sec. 4, par a

Order of precedence ................................. II Sec. 4, par a

To adjourn .................................................. V Sec. 7

To discharge committees .................................... IV Sec. 7

To reconsider vote ............................... II Sec. 4, par b, c

To amend or suspend rules ......................................... IX

Filing of requests by members ................... III Sec. 3, par a, b

Permitting members to add or withdraw

their names ................................... III Sec. 3, par a, b

Introduced but not printed ...................... III Sec. 3, par a

Pre-filed and printed ........................... III Sec. 3, par b

Upon introduction and before printing .................. III Sec. 3

Retention of control by introducer .............. III Sec. 3, par a, b

Control thereof to be retained by introducer .............. III Sec. 3


Policy on ................................................... I Sec. 7

Committees hearings, filing schedules ............... IV Sec. 4, par d

To discharge committees .................................... IV Sec. 7

To make bill a special order ....................... IV Sec. 10, par b

To amend or suspend rules ......................................... IX

ORDER AND DECORUM ...................................... I Sec. 1, par c

General .................................................... II Sec. 3

Bills, introduction of .............................. II Sec. 3, par a

Bills on second reading ............................. II Sec. 3, par a

Bills on third reading .............................. II Sec. 3, par a

Communication from State Officials,

reports, etc. .................................. II Sec. 3, par a, b

Correction of errors in Journal ..................... II Sec. 3, par a

Departure from regular order, vote required ...... II Sec. 3, par a, d

Hours in session, limiting ................................. II Sec. 2

Journal, reading of previous day .................... II Sec. 3, par a

Message from Governor or Senate .................. II Sec. 3, par a, b

Motion to suspend rules ........................................... IX

Not finished for day, procedure and disposition ..... II Sec. 3, par c

Original resolutions, introduction .................. II Sec. 3, par a

Petitions, memorials, remonstrances ................. II Sec. 3, par e

Reports of committees, generally .................... II Sec. 3, par a

Report from committee on rules ...................... II Sec. 3, par b

Second and third reading on same day,

vote required ................................. III Sec. 7, par a, d

Special order for particular day .................... II Sec. 3, par d

Special orders, consideration of and vote

required ........................................II Sec. 3, par a, d

Vote to change ................................... II Sec. 3, par a, d


Application of fiscal impact notes ...................... PJR I Sec. 6

Budget Consideration Schedule ......................... PJR III Sec. 1

Committee on Conference ................................ PJR II Sec. 1

Duties of the Joint Advisory Board ..................... PJR IV Sec. 2

Exceptions to rule ...................................... PJR I Sec. 4

Inaccurate fiscal impact notes, effect thereof .......... PJR I Sec. 5

Joint Advisory Board on Broadcast of State/Government

Proceedings .......................................... PJR IV Sec. 1

Joint Budget Conference Committee ..................... PJR III Sec. 2

Procedure for fiscal impact notes ....................... PJR I Sec. 3

Requirement of or fiscal impact notes

on bills and amendments ............................... PJR I Sec. 1

Sufficiency and contents of

fiscal impact notes ................................... PJR I Sec. 2

Presentation of ..................................... II Sec. 3, par e
PREVIOUS QUESTION, Definition and how put .................... II Sec. 4
PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE .................................. VIII Sec. 3


Division of by chair ................................. V Sec. 6, par d

Lost when equally divided ............................ V Sec. 6, par d

Main ........................................... II Sec. 4, III Sec. 7

On advancing or amending bill on second

reading ....................................... III Sec. 7, par b, d

Previous ............................................ II Sec. 4, par d

Priority.............................................. V Sec. 6, par d

Several distinct propositions ........................ V Sec. 6, par d

Vote of members on ............................. V Sec. 2, par a, b, c

Appeal to house ........................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (2)

Decision by Speaker ....................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (2)

Entry in journal ..................................... V Sec. 6, par d

Securing attendance .................................. V Sec. 1, par c

Compelling member to vote ............................ V Sec. 2, par f


Disclosure policy ........................................ VIII Sec. 2

Public access to ......................................... VIII Sec. 1

Public Information office ................................ VIII Sec. 3
RECONSIDER, Motion to (See "MOTIONS") .............. II Sec. 4, par b, c
REMONSTRANCES, Presentation of ........................ II Sec. 3, par e
REPEALED, Word printed in bold-face type ............. III Sec. 1, par c

Admission to floor ................................ I Sec. 3, par b, c

Designation of, by speaker ........................... I Sec. 3, par b
REQUESTS, HOME RULE ................................... IV Sec. 6, par l

Adjournment ........................................ III Sec. 5, par b

Concurrent, amending Constitution ................ III Sec. 5, par d,f

Consideration out of their order .... III Sec. 5, par c, Sec. 7, par e

Disposition of matters before house ................ III Sec. 5, par b

Distribution of .................................... III Sec. 5, par a

Expenditures, calling for .......................... III Sec. 5, par e

Introduction of original ........................... III Sec. 5, par a

Impeachment ........................................ III Sec. 5, par b

Original ......................... II Sec. 3, par a, III Sec. 5, par a

Order of business ............................... III Sec. 5, par a, b

Printing bills, etc. ............................... III Sec. 5, par b

Privileged ......................................... III Sec. 5, par b

Recall bill from Senate ............................ III Sec. 5, par b

Recess ............................................. III Sec. 5, par b

Relating to business of the day .................... III Sec. 5, par b

Reports of joint legislative committees ............ III Sec. 5, par b

Returning bill to Senate ........................... III Sec. 5, par b

Senate concurrent ............................... III Sec. 5, par a, c

Vote on, requiring copy on desk .................... III Sec. 5, par a

Limit calling of ..................................... V Sec. 2, par a

Appointment of ....................................... I Sec. 1, par c

Chairman of .......................................... I Sec. 1, par c

Functions of ....................................... IV Sec. 10, par b

Introduction of bill ...................................... IV Sec. 10

Member's name included, if requested ............. IV Sec. 10, par a

Ordering bill or resolution to special order

of second and third reading ...................... IV Sec. 10, par b

Reference of bill or resolution to ........................ IV Sec. 10

Report of:

Ordering to special order of second

and third reading ............................... III Sec. 7, par c

Received at any time .............................. II Sec. 3, par b

Amendment and suspension of ....................................... IX

Filing of notice ................................................ IX


Debate on before advancement, limiting of .......... III Sec. 7, par b

Second and third reading on same day ............... III Sec. 7, par d

Messages from ....................................... II Sec. 3, par b

Resolutions ........................................ III Sec. 5, par c
SENATORS, Admission to floor ........................... I Sec. 3, par b

Duties of ................................................... I Sec. 4

Enforcement of rules ........................................ I Sec. 4

Nomination .......................................... VI Sec. 2, par i

Removal of member .................................... V Sec. 2, par f

Policy on ................................................... I Sec. 5

Acting ...................................................... I Sec. 2

Admission to floor, permission of .............. I Sec. 3, par b, c, d

Amendment of bill to correct error,

directed by ...................................... III Sec. 1, par e

Appeal from decision of ................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (2)

Appointments by ...................................... I Sec. 1, par c

Assignment of reason for decision ......... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (2)

Bills, introduction of, reference

to committee ..................................... III Sec. 2, par a

Bills, calling public hearings with

consent of ............................................... IV Sec. 4

Breach of privilege, execution of

judgment of house by ................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (12)

Calling member to order for transgression

of rules ........................................... V Sec. 6, par c

Calling house to order ............................... I Sec. 1, par b

Correcting errors in bill .......................... III Sec. 1, par e

Designation of reporters .................. I Sec. 3, par b subpar (5)

Engrossing of bills, ordered by .................... III Sec. 8, par b

Filing committee reports with ....................... IV Sec. 6, par d

General control of Assembly chamber ......................... I Sec. 3

Internship Committee, appointed by ........................ IV Sec. 11

Internal control, adopt rules

and regulations ........................ I Sec. 1, par c subpar (14)

Introduction of persons during session .............. I, Sec. 3, par g

Majority leader, appointed by ............. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Nomination ......................................... VI Sec. 2, par. f

Powers and duties of .................................. I Sec. 1, 3, 4

Proclaim and determine unanimous consent ........... III Sec. 7, par a

Reference of bills to committee .................... III Sec. 2, par a

Change of .......................................... III Sec. 2, par d

Rules committee, member and chairman of ... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (8)

Rules of House, enforcement by .............................. I Sec. 4

Sergeant-at-arms under direction of ......................... I Sec. 4

Sub-committees created by ................. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (4)

Temporary, appointment of ................. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (6)

Vacancy as, Majority Leader to act .......................... I Sec. 2

Vote by, when required .................... I Sec. 1, par c subpar (7)

Consideration of .............................. II Sec. 3, par a, c, d

Obviate three readings of bill ..................... III Sec. 7, par d

Bills recommended by, last day

for introduction ........................................ III Sec. 4

Duties of .................................................. II Sec. 1

Making copies of proceedings available to public ........... II Sec. 1

Nomination .......................................... VI Sec. 2, par h

TELEVISING, Assembly session ............................... X Sec. 1, 2
THIRD READING, Procedure on .......................... III Sec. 7, par d


Abstaining from ...................................... V Sec. 2, par a

Equal division, question lost ........................ V Sec. 6, par d

Excuse from, pending explanation ..................... V Sec. 6, par b

Motion to reconsider ................................ II Sec. 4, par b

Of absentees ......................................... V Sec. 2, par g

Of majority and minority leaders

in committee ............................ I Sec. 1, par c subpar (9)

Of majority to suspend rules ...................................... IX

Of committee members for report of bill ............. IV Sec. 2, par d

Of majority to discharge bill from committee ........ IV Sec. 7, par b

Of members on question ............................... V Sec. 1, par c

Of members required to make matter

special order for a particular day ................ II Sec. 3, par d

Of speaker, required only to be decisive .. I Sec. 1, par c subpar (7)

On final passage of bill, reconsideration ........ II Sec. 4, par b, c

Requiring member to ......................................... V Sec. 2

Roll calls, making available to public ............... V Sec. 2, par e

"Slow" roll call ..................................... V Sec. 2, par b

To decide if quorum is present ....................... V Sec. 2, par f

Unanimous consent to advance bill or

entertain motion out of order .................... III Sec. 7, par a