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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assembly Chamber, lobbies, rooms and property
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 1
§ 3. Assembly Chamber, lobbies, rooms and property. a. The use of the
Assembly Chamber, lobbies, rooms and property shall be controlled by the
Speaker. He or she shall direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to perform such
acts as may be necessary to preserve order.

b. The following persons shall be entitled to admission to the floor
of the House during the session thereof:

(1) the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor;

(2) the members and former members of the Assembly and the Senate;

(3) the elected State officers and their deputies;

(4) persons in the exercise of an official duty directly connected to
the business of the House; and

(5) the representatives of the news media designated by the Speaker.

c. No other person shall be admitted to the floor during the session,
except upon the permission of the Speaker or by vote of the House; and
persons so admitted shall be allowed to occupy places only in the seats
in the rear of the Assembly Chamber. Such permission may be revoked by
the Speaker, at pleasure, or upon order of the House.

d. No person shall be admitted to the floor of the Assembly Chamber
who is interested in pending or contemplated legislation, or who is
employed by or receives compensation from any public or private source
for influencing legislation.

e. No person other than a member shall occupy the chair of a member
during the session of the House.

f. No person shall have access to or be permitted within or by the
Clerk's desk during the session of the House, except officers of the
House in the discharge of their official duties.

g. The Speaker may, at pleasure, recognize a member for the purpose of
introducing guests in the chamber.