Order of business
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 2
§ 3. Order of business. a. The first business of each day's session
shall be the reading of the Journal of the preceding day, and the
correction of any errors that may be found to exist therein, provided,
however, that such reading of the Journal may be waived, without debate,
upon a majority vote of the members present and provided further that on
any day on which bills on any order of third reading are before the
House for final disposition, and a vote is to be taken thereon, a roll
call of the members shall be taken for attendance purposes prior to the
reading of such Journal. Such roll call may be taken by electronic
device. Immediately thereafter, except on days and at times set apart
for the consideration of special orders, the order of business, which
shall not be departed from except by a vote of two-thirds of the members
present, to be determined by a call of the roll, shall be as follows:
(1) messages from the Governor and from the Senate, communications
from State officers and reports from State institutions;
(2) introduction of bills and reference to committee;
(3) reports of committees;
(4) bills on second reading;
(5) bills on third reading;
(6) Assembly bills amended by the Senate; and
(7) introduction of original resolutions.
b. At the commencement of each day's session the Majority Leader, or
his or her designee, shall announce a schedule of legislation intended
for consent and debate. All bills appearing on the order of third
reading or the order of special second and third reading for the first
time shall be included within such schedule.
c. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision a of this section,
messages from the Governor and Senate, communications and reports from
State officers, reports from the Judiciary Committee which involve the
right of a member to his or her seat and reports from the Committee on
Rules shall be received at any time.
d. When consideration of the orders of the day is not finished, those
not acted upon shall be the orders for the next and each succeeding day
until disposed of, and shall be entered first in the Calendar without
change in their order.
e. Any matter may be made a special order for any particular day by
the assent of two-thirds of the members present. When so made, a
similar vote shall be required to rescind or postpone such matter.
f. Petitions, memorials and remonstrances may be presented to the
Clerk of the Assembly at the close of each day's session.
shall be the reading of the Journal of the preceding day, and the
correction of any errors that may be found to exist therein, provided,
however, that such reading of the Journal may be waived, without debate,
upon a majority vote of the members present and provided further that on
any day on which bills on any order of third reading are before the
House for final disposition, and a vote is to be taken thereon, a roll
call of the members shall be taken for attendance purposes prior to the
reading of such Journal. Such roll call may be taken by electronic
device. Immediately thereafter, except on days and at times set apart
for the consideration of special orders, the order of business, which
shall not be departed from except by a vote of two-thirds of the members
present, to be determined by a call of the roll, shall be as follows:
(1) messages from the Governor and from the Senate, communications
from State officers and reports from State institutions;
(2) introduction of bills and reference to committee;
(3) reports of committees;
(4) bills on second reading;
(5) bills on third reading;
(6) Assembly bills amended by the Senate; and
(7) introduction of original resolutions.
b. At the commencement of each day's session the Majority Leader, or
his or her designee, shall announce a schedule of legislation intended
for consent and debate. All bills appearing on the order of third
reading or the order of special second and third reading for the first
time shall be included within such schedule.
c. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision a of this section,
messages from the Governor and Senate, communications and reports from
State officers, reports from the Judiciary Committee which involve the
right of a member to his or her seat and reports from the Committee on
Rules shall be received at any time.
d. When consideration of the orders of the day is not finished, those
not acted upon shall be the orders for the next and each succeeding day
until disposed of, and shall be entered first in the Calendar without
change in their order.
e. Any matter may be made a special order for any particular day by
the assent of two-thirds of the members present. When so made, a
similar vote shall be required to rescind or postpone such matter.
f. Petitions, memorials and remonstrances may be presented to the
Clerk of the Assembly at the close of each day's session.