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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 3
Section 1. Contents.

a. Title.

(1) The title of every bill shall briefly state the subject thereof.

(2) The title of every bill amending or repealing any provision of a
consolidated law shall refer to such law.

(3) The title of every bill amending or repealing any unconsolidated
law shall refer to such law by its short title, if it have one; if it
have no short title, the title of such bill shall state the chapter
number, year of enactment and the complete title of the original bill or
a short summary of the provisions to which the law relates.

(4) If such bill is amending or repealing a proposed provision of law
contained in a bill that has not been enacted into law, the title shall
state the number of the bill containing the proposed provision of law to
be amended or repealed, with suffix, if there be one, and the subject of
the provisions to which the amendatory bill relates.

b. Bill sections.

(1) In any bill, each section proposing an amendment to or the repeal
of: (i) any consolidated law, or any part thereof; or (ii) the Family
Court Act, the Court of Claims Act, the Uniform District Court Act, the
Uniform Justice Court Act, the Uniform City Court Act, the New York City
Charter, the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York
City Civil Court Act, the New York City Criminal Court Act, or the
Charter of the City of Buffalo, or any part thereof shall refer to such
law, act, charter or code.

(2) In any bill, each section proposing an amendment to or the repeal
of an unconsolidated law having a short title, or any part thereof,
shall refer to such law by its chapter number and year of enactment and
its short title. If an unconsolidated law shall have no short title,
each section shall state the chapter number and year of enactment of
such law and a short summary of the provisions to which the law relates
or the complete title of the original bill.

(3) If such section amends or repeals a proposed provision of law
contained in a bill that has not been enacted into law, each section
shall state the number of the bill containing such proposed provisions
of law to be amended or repealed, with suffix, if there be one.

(4) If the portion of the law proposed to be amended has been added,
renumbered or amended since the original enactment or last general
revision of the law of which it is a part, such section shall also state
the chapter number and year of the last act adding, renumbering or
amending the same, as the case may be.

c. Body.

(1) Every bill amending, adding to or repealing existing law, upon its
introduction, and if reprinted, must, in the body of the bill have:

(a) All new matter to be added to or inserted in existing law

(b) All matter to be eliminated by amendment from existing law printed
in its proper place in the bill enclosed in black-faced brackets;

(c) The word "repealed," when any existing law or part thereof is
proposed to be repealed, printed in boldface type; and

(d) Whenever it is proposed to amend only a part of a word in existing
law, the whole of such word shall be printed in its proper place
enclosed in black-faced brackets and the whole word as proposed shall be

(2) Whenever a bill is amended by eliminating proposed new matter,
such new matter shall be omitted in the reprint of the bill.

d. Explanatory note.

There shall be appended at the end of every bill introduced in the
Assembly, which proposes the repeal or extension of any existing law, or
part thereof, merely by reference thereto, without setting forth the
text thereof, an explanatory note which shall briefly and concisely
state the subject matter of the law, or part thereof, proposed to be
repealed or extended, unless such subject matter is stated in the title
of such bill.

e. Nonconforming bills.

Whenever it shall be called to the attention of the Speaker that any
bill introduced is not drawn or printed in accordance with the
provisions of this Rule, the Speaker may, in his or her discretion,
direct the Index Clerk to cause such bill to be immediately amended and
reprinted so as to comply therewith, and when reprinted said bill shall
be restored to the place it held when such direction was given.

f. Introducer's memorandum.

There shall be appended to every bill introduced in the Assembly, an
introducer's memorandum setting forth the purpose of the bill, a summary
of its provisions, a statement of its fiscal impact on the state, a
statement of its impact on the regulation of businesses and individuals
and a statement as to whether the bill imposes or changes any fine, term
of imprisonment, forfeiture of rights or other penal sanction, together
with the nature of such imposition or change in a format and length to
be prescribed by the Speaker. Whenever a bill is amended by its sponsor,
it shall be the duty of the sponsor to file an amended memorandum
setting forth the same material as required in the original memorandum.
In addition, whenever a bill is reported by a committee as amended, it
shall be the duty of the committee to submit an amended memorandum.