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Standing Committees
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 4
Section 1. Standing Committees. a. The standing committees shall be as
Name of Committee Number of Members
Aging ............................................ 30
Agriculture ...................................... 23
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse ........................ 14
Banks ............................................ 31
Children and Families ............................ 17
Cities ........................................... 16
Codes ............................................ 22
Consumer Affairs and Protection .................. 16
Corporations, Authorities and Commissions ........ 26
Correction ....................................... 13
Economic Development ............................. 26
Education ........................................ 31
Election Law ..................................... 16
Energy ........................................... 17
Environmental Conservation ....................... 30
Ethics and Guidance ............................... 8
Governmental Employees ........................... 14
Governmental Operations .......................... 14
Health ........................................... 26
Higher Education ................................. 26
Housing .......................................... 28
Insurance ........................................ 25
Judiciary ........................................ 21
Labor ............................................ 29
Libraries and Education Technology ................ 9
Local Governments ................................ 20
Mental Health .................................... 13
Oversight, Analysis and Investigation ............. 7
Racing and Wagering .............................. 11
Real Property Taxation ........................... 10
Rules ............................................ 31
Small Business ................................... 17
Social Services .................................. 18
Tourism, Parks, Arts and Sports Development ...... 21
Transportation ................................... 26
Veterans' Affairs ................................ 19
Ways and Means ................................... 35

b. The number of majority members of each standing committee shall be
in the same ratio as the majority members of the House are to the entire
membership of the House, with all fractional members being credited to
the majority; provided, however that there shall be at least one
minority member on each standing committee; and further provided that
the Standing Committee on Ethics and Guidance shall consist of an equal
number of majority and minority members. A member who in any calendar
year has three or more unexcused absences, as determined by the
chairperson or ranking minority member, as appropriate, from any
regularly scheduled meeting of a standing committee at which bills are
scheduled to be considered shall be removed from one or more of the
standing committees to which he or she is assigned. The standing
committee shall notify the member upon each unexcused absence and shall
notify the Committee on Committees upon the second and any subsequent
unexcused absences. The Committee on Committees shall notify the member
of any resulting reduction in his or her committee assignments.

c. Members of the Assembly shall serve on no more than six standing
committees; provided, however that members serving as the chairperson of
a standing committee shall serve on no more than five standing
committees. Such limitations shall not apply to a member of the Assembly
serving as an ex officio member of a committee pursuant to paragraph
nine of subdivision c of section one of Rule I or for any member serving
on a standing committee on an interim basis.

d. All standing committees shall operate on an annual basis and their
jurisdiction shall include, but not be limited to, the subject matter of
each bill or resolution referred to them by the Speaker. Each standing
committee shall propose legislative action and conduct such studies and
investigations as may relate to matter within their jurisdiction. Each
standing committee shall, furthermore, devote substantial efforts to the
oversight and analysis of the activities, including but not limited to
the implementation and administration of programs, of departments,
agencies, divisions, authorities, boards, commissions, public benefit
corporations and other entities within its jurisdiction. After
adjournment sine die of the Legislature in an odd numbered year,
standing committees may consider and act on pre-filed bills and bills
carried over pursuant to subdivision f of section two of Rule III and
may report such bills to the order of second reading for consideration
by the Assembly at the next succeeding regular legislative session.

e. No select, joint or joint legislative committee, except for the
Temporary Joint Legislative Committee on Disaster Preparedness and
Response, shall be created to make special studies or investigations by
Assembly resolution or by any other resolution requiring the approval or
concurrence of the Assembly except that an Assembly standing committee
or subcommittee, or the staff thereof, may jointly consider, study or
investigate with an appropriate Assembly or Senate standing committee or
subcommittee or the staff thereof any subject matter which is within
their jurisdiction.