Assembly Committee on Conference Committees
Assembly Rules (CMA) CHAPTER , RULE 4
§ 12. Assembly Committee on Conference Committees. There shall be an
Assembly Committee on Conference Committees to consist of five members;
provided, however that there shall be at least one minority member on
such committee. Members of such committee shall be selected from among
Assembly leadership positions. The Speaker shall appoint the chairperson
from among the membership of the committee. Such committee shall meet at
least once a month during the regular Legislative Session, excluding
January, and as necessary to review legislation passed by both houses
for the purpose of making recommendations for the convening of
conference committees pursuant to Joint Rule II of the Permanent Joint
Rules of the Senate and Assembly. The committee shall review requests
for conference committee made by the introducer of legislation.
Recommendations issued by the committee must be in writing and indicate
any dissenting opinion. Meetings of the Assembly Committee on Conference
Committees shall be subject to the provisions of article seven of the
Public Officers Law known as the "Open Meetings Law".
Assembly Committee on Conference Committees to consist of five members;
provided, however that there shall be at least one minority member on
such committee. Members of such committee shall be selected from among
Assembly leadership positions. The Speaker shall appoint the chairperson
from among the membership of the committee. Such committee shall meet at
least once a month during the regular Legislative Session, excluding
January, and as necessary to review legislation passed by both houses
for the purpose of making recommendations for the convening of
conference committees pursuant to Joint Rule II of the Permanent Joint
Rules of the Senate and Assembly. The committee shall review requests
for conference committee made by the introducer of legislation.
Recommendations issued by the committee must be in writing and indicate
any dissenting opinion. Meetings of the Assembly Committee on Conference
Committees shall be subject to the provisions of article seven of the
Public Officers Law known as the "Open Meetings Law".