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Order of Business
Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 6
§ 3. Order of Business. a. The Presiding Officer shall take the Chair
at the hour to which the Senate shall have adjourned and following a
recital of the pledge of allegiance to the flag, the first business of
the day shall be the reading of the journal of the preceding day, to the
end that any mistakes therein may be corrected.

After the reading and approving of the journal, the order of business
shall be as follows:

(1) Presentation of petitions.

(2) Messages from the Assembly.

(3) Messages from the Governor.

(4) Reports of standing committees.

(5) Reports of select committees.

(6) Communications and reports from State officers.

b. A quorum being present the Senate shall proceed to:

(1) Motions and resolutions.

(2) The calendar.

(3) Petition for chamber consideration.

c. All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided
without debate.