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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Committee on Rules
Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 8
§ 2. Committee on Rules. The Committee on Rules may sit at any time
and shall report bills out of committee only if they shall have been
duly reported to the Committee on Rules from a standing committee of
origin, or from a committee of secondary reference, or if the chair of
such standing committee consents, or if the bill was referred to the
Committee on Rules upon introduction. Other than a motion to hold, a
motion to discharge, or a motion to report, no other motion shall be in
order in the Committee on Rules without the consent of the Committee
Chair. The reception and consideration of its report shall always be in
order; debate on its adoption shall not exceed one and one half hours,
one-half hour for each conference, such time to be allotted by the
Conference Leaders; and no other motion, except a motion by the
Temporary President for a call of the Senate, to adjourn or to recess,
shall be in order until the vote of the Senate is had thereon. If the
report be adopted, all inconsistent rules of the Senate shall
automatically be suspended until the subject of such report has been
disposed of, including final action thereon.