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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 8
§ 4. Hearings. a. Committee hearings. Chairs of standing committees
may call public hearings to permit interested persons, groups or
organizations the opportunity to testify orally or in writing on
legislation or issues pending before such standing committee. Chairs are
encouraged to hold public hearings on legislation of important public
interest, where, outside of the budget, significant public money is
allocated, broad conduct is regulated or where the proposal has a broad
public impact. Chairs may request that the Official Stenographer make a
stenographic record of a public hearing. Official hearings may be
conducted in accordance with procedure established by law. No committee
may take testimony at a hearing unless at least two of its members are
present at such hearing. Prior notice of all public hearings shall be
filed by the chair or his or her designee with The Legislative Bill
Drafting Commission and the Secretary of the Senate and such notice
shall contain information as to subject matter, date and place.

b. Public forums. Notwithstanding the public hearings conducted by
standing committees, any Senator may convene a public forum on proposed
or pending legislation within the jurisdiction of a committee upon which
he or she is a member, provided that any charge incurred attendant to
such forum be borne by said Senator or his or her party conference.
Prior notice of such forum shall be filed with the chair of the

c. Committee oversight function. Each standing committee is required
to conduct oversight of the administration of laws and programs by
agencies within its jurisdiction.

d. Each standing committee is required to file with the secretary of
the senate an annual report, detailing its legislative and oversight
activities. Such report shall be posted to the Senate web site.

e. Petition for a public hearing on a bill. By a petition of one-third
of the members assigned to a committee rounded up to the nearest whole
number, a public hearing shall be scheduled on a specific bill or number
of bills within the jurisdiction of a committee, unless the majority of
members of the committee reject such petition. Such petitions shall be
submitted on the proper form to the Senate Desk for Operations, who will
forward it to the appropriate committee, for presentation at the next
committee meeting. Such public hearings shall be held if they meet the
guidelines as promulgated by the Majority Coalition Leaders. Public
hearings scheduled by petition will be held at least 14 days following
the committee meeting at which the petition was considered.

f. Hearings of standing committees shall be video recorded and to the
extent practicable webcast live. Video of such hearing shall be posted
to the Senate web site within 24 hours.