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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 8
§ 5. Reports. a. No committee shall vote to report a bill or other
matter unless a majority of all the members thereof vote in favor of
such report. Each report of a committee upon a bill shall have the vote
of each Senator attached thereto and such report and vote shall be
available for public inspection. A member's vote on any matter before
the committee shall be entered by the member on a signed official voting
sheet delivered to the Committee Chair.

Any standing committee having secondary subject matter jurisdiction
over a bill may request the chair of the committee having primary
subject matter jurisdiction over said bill (which is the committee to
which the said bill has been referred by the Majority Coalition Leaders
pursuant to Rule VII) to commit the bill to the committee with secondary
subject matter jurisdiction either when the bill is still in the primary
committee or after it has been reported to the calendar. If the chair of
the primary committee refuses said request, then the committee having
secondary jurisdiction, through its chair, may request the Majority
Coalition Leaders to consider such secondary referencing. If a secondary
reference is so made, the secondary committee shall consider the bill
forthwith and return said bill to the primary committee or the calendar,
as the case may be, along with the secondary committee's

All committee reports, after the second Friday in June, shall be made
directly to the Committee on Rules. Notwithstanding any provision of
Rule VII, the Committee on Rules shall have the authority to introduce
and refer bills to itself and shall also have the authority to refer to
itself any bill from any standing committee.

Every report of a committee upon a bill which shall not be considered
at the time of making the same, or laid on the table by a vote of the
Senate, shall stand upon the calendar in the order of first report with
the bill and be entered upon the journal.

b. Each bill reported by a standing committee shall be accompanied by
a report, and the Democratic Conference shall file a Democratic
Conference committee report within seven days of the bill being reported
out of committee and said reports shall be filed with the journal clerk.
The report of a committee upon any matter referred to it shall upon
request include a brief statement of the opinion of any member or
members of the committee voting in either the majority or minority.

c. Where a "home rule" request is required as provided in any section
of Article IX of the Constitution, such request, certificate or message
must be filed with the Journal Clerk of the Senate before final passage
of such bill.

d. Where a message of necessity is received from the Governor, such
message shall be filed with the Journal Clerk of the Senate upon final
passage of the bill.