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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 8
§ 6. Nominations. Unless the Senate orders otherwise, all nominations
sent by the Governor for the appointment of any officer shall be
submitted to the Temporary President who shall then refer such
nominations simultaneously to the Finance Committee, and the appropriate
standing committee, for consideration and recommendation and such
standing committees, other than the Committee on Judiciary shall
thereafter refer such nominations to the Finance Committee of the Senate
who shall take whatever further actions it deems necessary and
thereafter make its report on the nominations to the full Senate. Any
Senator may submit a request to the Chair of a Standing Committee
considering a nomination, to speak before the committee for not more
than five minutes on the nomination. The granting of any such request
shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee Chair. A nomination
shall not be confirmed without reference on the day on which it is
received except by unanimous consent. The names of those who voted for
or against the nomination may be entered alphabetically on the journal,
if any five Senators request it.