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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Finance Committee
Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 8
§ 7. Finance Committee. A bill or resolution providing for an
appropriation or creating or increasing a charge upon the State Treasury
shall, when reported by any committee other than the Finance Committee,
be referred to the Finance Committee, and the committee reporting such
bill or resolution shall, at the time of making such report, recommend
the further reference thereof to the Finance Committee. At the request
of the Majority Coalition Leaders or the Chair of the Finance Committee,
any such bill or resolution shall, at any time before final reading or
adoption, be referred to the Finance Committee, which may consider and
report upon any features in the bill or resolution creating or
increasing such charge.

The sponsor of a bill providing for an increase or decrease in state
revenues or in the appropriation or expenditure of state moneys, without
stating the amount thereof, must, before such bill is reported from the
Finance Committee or other committee to which referred, file with the
Finance Committee and such other committee a fiscal note which shall
state, so far as possible, the amount in dollars whereby such state
moneys, revenues or appropriations would be affected by such bill,
together with a similar estimate, if the same is possible, for future
fiscal years. Such an estimate must be secured by the sponsor from the
Division of the Budget or the department or agency of state government
charged with the fiscal duties, functions or powers provided in such
bill and the name of such department or agency must be stated in such

The Finance Committee shall keep and maintain a file containing all
bills requiring fiscal notes and the notes appertaining thereto, which
shall be available to Senators and officers of the Senate, accredited
representatives of the press, and other responsible persons having a
legitimate interest therein.