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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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New York City Education Subcommittee
Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 8
§ 8. New York City Education Subcommittee. The Committee on education
shall have a permanent subcommittee, consisting of six members, on New
York City Education. The chairperson, ranking member and membership of
the New York City Education subcommittee shall be appointed by the
Majority Coalition Leaders with the ranking member and Democratic
Conference members to be appointed upon the recommendation of the
Democratic Conference Leader. Any bill referenced to the Education
Committee whose subject matter shall solely impact education matters in
New York City shall be referenced by the committee to the New York City
Education subcommittee. The New York City Education subcommittee shall
be subject to the same rules and procedures as standing committees with
the exception that all bills reported from the New York City Education
subcommittee will be reported to the Education Committee for further
action. In no instance may a bill reported out of the New York City
Education subcommittee bypass the full consideration of the Education
Committee and be reported directly to the calendar.