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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Protection of natural resources and the development of agricultural lands
§ 4. The policy of the state shall be to conserve and protect its
natural resources and scenic beauty and encourage the development and
improvement of its agricultural lands for the production of food and
other agricultural products. The legislature, in implementing this
policy, shall include adequate provision for the abatement of air and
water pollution and of excessive and unnecessary noise, the protection
of agricultural lands, wetlands and shorelines, and the development and
regulation of water resources. The legislature shall further provide for
the acquisition of lands and waters, including improvements thereon and
any interest therein, outside the forest preserve counties, and the
dedication of properties so acquired or now owned, which because of
their natural beauty, wilderness character, or geological, ecological or
historical significance, shall be preserved and administered for the use
and enjoyment of the people. Properties so dedicated shall constitute
the state nature and historical preserve and they shall not be taken or
otherwise disposed of except by law enacted by two successive regular
sessions of the legislature.