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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Amendments to constitution; how proposed, voted upon and ratified; failure of attorney-general to render opinion not to affect validity

Amendments to Constitution

Section 1. Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may be
proposed in the senate and assembly whereupon such amendment or
amendments shall be referred to the attorney-general whose duty it shall
be within twenty days thereafter to render an opinion in writing to the
senate and assembly as to the effect of such amendment or amendments
upon other provisions of the constitution. Upon receiving such opinion,
if the amendment or amendments as proposed or as amended shall be agreed
to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such
proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, and
the ayes and noes taken thereon, and referred to the next regular
legislative session convening after the succeeding general election of
members of the assembly, and shall be published for three months
previous to the time of making such choice; and if in such legislative
session, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a
majority of all the members elected to each house, then it shall be the
duty of the legislature to submit each proposed amendment or amendments
to the people for approval in such manner and at such times as the
legislature shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify
such amendment or amendments by a majority of the electors voting
thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of the
constitution on the first day of January next after such approval.
Neither the failure of the attorney-general to render an opinion
concerning such a proposed amendment nor his or her failure to do so
timely shall affect th* validity of such proposed amendment or
legislative action thereon.

*So in original. ("th" should be "the".)