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This entry was published on 2022-01-07
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Workers' compensation
Constitution (CNS) CHAPTER , ARTICLE I
§ 18. Nothing contained in this constitution shall be construed to
limit the power of the legislature to enact laws for the protection of
the lives, health, or safety of employees; or for the payment, either by
employers, or by employers and employees or otherwise, either directly
or through a state or other system of insurance or otherwise, of
compensation for injuries to employees or for death of employees
resulting from such injuries without regard to fault as a cause thereof,
except where the injury is occasioned by the willful intention of the
injured employee to bring about the injury or death of himself or
herself or of another, or where the injury results solely from the
intoxication of the injured employee while on duty; or for the
adjustment, determination and settlement, with or without trial by jury,
of issues which may arise under such legislation; or to provide that the
right of such compensation, and the remedy therefor shall be exclusive
of all other rights and remedies for injuries to employees or for death
resulting from such injuries; or to provide that the amount of such
compensation for death shall not exceed a fixed or determinable sum;
provided that all moneys paid by an employer to his or her employees or
their legal representatives, by reason of the enactment of any of the
laws herein authorized, shall be held to be a proper charge in the cost
of operating the business of the employer.