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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Compensation, allowances and traveling expenses of members
§ 6. Each member of the legislature shall receive for his or her
services a like annual salary, to be fixed by law. He or she shall also
be reimbursed for his or her actual traveling expenses in going to and
returning from the place in which the legislature meets, not more than
once each week while the legislature is in session. Senators, when the
senate alone is convened in extraordinary session, or when serving as
members of the court for the trial of impeachments, and such members of
the assembly, not exceeding nine in number, as shall be appointed
managers of an impeachment, shall receive an additional per diem
allowance, to be fixed by law. Any member, while serving as an officer
of his or her house or in any other special capacity therein or directly
connected therewith not hereinbefore in this section specified, may also
be paid and receive, in addition, any allowance which may be fixed by
law for the particular and additional services appertaining to or
entailed by such office or special capacity. Neither the salary of any
member nor any other allowance so fixed may be increased or diminished
during, and with respect to, the term for which he or she shall have
been elected, nor shall he or she be paid or receive any other extra
compensation. The provisions of this section and laws enacted in
compliance therewith shall govern and be exclusively controlling,
according to their terms. Members shall continue to receive such salary
and additional allowance as heretofore fixed and provided in this
section, until changed by law pursuant to this section.