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This entry was published on 2022-01-07
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Constitution (CNS) CHAPTER



1. Unified court system for state established; organization;

courts of record; service and execution of process.

2. Court of appeals and judges thereof; designation of supreme

court justices to serve temporarily; judicial nominating

commission; filling of vacancies by appointment;

confirmation of appointments.

3. Court of appeals; jurisdiction.

4. Judicial departments; appellate divisions of supreme court

and justices thereof; temporary designation of additional

justices; transfer of appeals; jurisdiction.

5. Appeals from judgment or order; power of appellate court;

transfer of appeals taken to unauthorized appellate court.

6. Judicial districts; composition; supreme court continued;

justices of supreme court.

7. Jurisdiction of supreme court; new classes of actions.

8. Appellate terms of supreme court; composition and


9. Court of claims continued; judges; jurisdiction.

10. County court continued; judges.

11. County court; jurisdiction; separate divisions.

12. Surrogate's court continued; judges; jurisdiction.

13. Family court established; composition; election and

appointment of judges; jurisdiction.

14. Combination of certain judicial offices.

15. New York city; city-wide courts established; merger; judges;


16. District courts; establishment; jurisdiction; judges; Nassau

county district court continued.

17. Town, village and city courts; jurisdiction; regulation;


18. Trial by jury; trial without a jury; claims against the


19. Transfer of actions and proceedings.

20. Judicial office, qualifications and restrictions.

21. Vacancies; how filled.

22. Commission on judicial conduct; membership; organization and

procedure; review by court of appeals; discipline of


23. Removal of certain judges and justices, by legislature; by

senate on recommendation of governor.

24. Court for the trial of impeachments.

25. Compensation and retirement of certain judges and justices.

26. Temporary assignments of justices or judges to other courts.

27. Supreme court; extraordinary terms.

28. Administrative supervision of the courts.

29. Allocation of cost of maintenance and operation of courts;

determination of annual financial needs of the courts.

30. Regulation of jurisdiction, practice and procedure of the


31. Peacemakers and other Indian courts continued.

32. Safeguarding religion of children under jurisdiction of


33. Existing laws to continue in force; legislature to implement


34. Determination of pending appeals, actions and proceedings;

terms of judges and justices now in office.

35. Abolition of certain courts; disposal of records; transfer of

judges, justices, court personnel and pending actions and


36. Disposal of appeals, actions and proceedings.

36-a. Effective date of certain amendments to articles VI and VII.

36-c. Effective date of certain amendments to article VI, sec. 22.

37. Effective date of article.