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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Short term state debts in anticipation of taxes, revenues and proceeds of sale of authorized bonds
§ 9. The state may contract debts in anticipation of the receipt of
taxes and revenues, direct or indirect, for the purposes and within the
amounts of appropriations theretofore made. Notes or other obligations
for the moneys so borrowed shall be issued as may be provided by law,
and shall with the interest thereon be paid from such taxes and revenues
within one year from the date of issue.

The state may also contract debts in anticipation of the receipt of
the proceeds of the sale of bonds theretofore authorized, for the
purpose and within the amounts of the bonds so authorized. Notes or
obligations for the money so borrowed shall be issued as may be provided
by law, and shall with the interest thereon be paid from the proceeds of
the sale of such bonds within two years from the date of issue, except
as to bonds issued or to be issued for any of the purposes authorized by
article eighteen of this constitution, in which event the notes or
obligations shall with the interest thereon be paid from the proceeds of
the sale of such bonds within five years from the date of issue.