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This entry was published on 2024-01-12
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Limitations on local indebtedness
§ 4. Except as otherwise provided in this constitution, no county,
city, town or village described in this section shall be allowed to
contract indebtedness for any purpose or in any manner which, including
existing indebtedness, shall exceed an amount equal to the following
percentages of the average full valuation of taxable real estate of such
county, city, town or village:

(a) the county of Nassau, for county purposes, ten per centum;

(b) any county, other than the county of Nassau, for county purposes,
seven per centum;

(c) the city of New York, for city purposes, ten per centum;

(d) any city, other than the city of New York, having one hundred
twenty-five thousand or more inhabitants according to the latest federal
census, for city purposes, nine per centum;

(e) any city having less than one hundred twenty-five thousand
inhabitants according to the latest federal census, for city purposes,
seven per centum;

(f) any town, for town purposes, seven per centum; and

(g) any village for village purposes, seven per centum.

Except as otherwise provided in this constitution, any indebtedness
contracted in excess of the respective limitations prescribed in this
section shall be void.

The average full valuation of taxable real estate of any such county,
city, town or village shall be determined in the manner prescribed in
section ten of this article.

Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to restrict the
powers granted to the legislature by other provisions of this
constitution to further restrict the powers of any county, city, town or
village to contract indebtedness.