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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Existing laws to remain applicable; construction; definitions
Existing laws to remain applicable; construction; definitions.

§ 3. (a) Except as expressly provided, nothing in this article shall
restrict or impair any power of the legislature in relation to:

(1) The maintenance, support or administration of the public school
system, as required or provided by article XI of this constitution, or
any retirement system pertaining to such public school system,

(2) The courts as required or provided by article VI of this
constitution, and

(3) Matters other than the property, affairs or government of a local

(b) The provisions of this article shall not affect any existing valid
provisions of acts of the legislature or of local legislation and such
provisions shall continue in force until repealed, amended, modified or
superseded in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.

(c) Rights, powers, privileges and immunities granted to local
governments by this article shall be liberally construed.

(d) Whenever used in this article the following terms shall mean or

(1) "General law. " A law which in terms and in effect applies alike
to all counties, all counties other than those wholly included within a
city, all cities, all towns or all villages.

(2) "Local government. " A county, city, town or village.

(3) "People. " Persons entitled to vote as provided in section one of
article two of this constitution.

(4) "Special law. " A law which in terms and in effect applies to one
or more, but not all, counties, counties other than those wholly
included within a city, cities, towns or villages.