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AN ACT in relation to counties, constituting chapter eleven of

the consolidated laws
Became a law April 15, 1950, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,

by a majority vote, three-fifths being present

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Article 1. Short title; application; definitions (§§ 1-3).

2. General provisions (§§ 50-55).

3. Referendum (§§ 100-105).

4. Board of supervisors (§§ 150-154).

5. General powers of board of supervisors (§§ 200-237).

5-A. County water, sewer, drainage and refuse districts

(§§ 250--279-d).

5-B. County hurricane protection, flood and shoreline erosion

control districts (§§ 280--280-aa).

5-D. County small watershed protection districts

(§§ 299-l--299-y).

6. Enhanced emergency telephone system surcharge

(§§ 300-308).

6-A. Local enhanced wireless 911 program (§§ 325-338).

7. Finance (§§ 350-381).

7-A. County tuberculosis hospitals (§§ 385-395).

7-B. County medical assistance clinics

(§§ 396-a--396-f).

7-C. Drug control authorities (§§ 396-g--396-j).

8. Officers; general provisions (§§ 400-411).

9. Chairman of the board of supervisors (§ 450).

10. Clerk of the board of supervisors (§ 475).

11. County attorney (§§ 500-502).

12. County clerk (§§ 525-534).

13. County treasurer (§§ 550-553).

14. County comptroller (§§ 575-577).

15. County auditor (§ 600).

16. County purchasing agent (§§ 625-626).

17. Sheriff (§§ 650-662).

17-A. Coroner, coroner's physician and medical examiner

(§§ 670-679).

18. District attorney (§§ 700-707).

18-A. Public defender (§§ 716-721).

18-B. Representation of persons accused of crime or parties

before the family court or surrogate's court

(§§ 722--722-f).

19. County superintendent of highways (§ 725).

20. County commissioner of public welfare (§ 750).

21. County sealer (§ 775).

22. County service officer (§ 800).

23. Provisions applicable to certain counties (§§ 825-854).

24. Provisions applicable to New York city (§§ 900-943).

25. Interpretation of chapter; saving clause; laws repealed;

time of taking effect (§§ 1000-1003).