Hours of work and office hours
§ 206. Hours of work and office hours. 1. Subject to the constitution
and general laws of this state and to the rules and regulations made
pursuant thereto, the board of supervisors may fix the number of hours
constituting a legal day's work for all classes of employees of the
county and grant to the employing officer or board the power to stagger
working hours. Time lost in any week because of inclement weather may be
made up during that week and the succeeding three weeks. Nothing herein
shall impair the effect of any official proclamation during an
2. The board of supervisors may fix the hours that the offices of the
county clerk, county treasurer, clerk of the board of supervisors and
civil office of the sheriff shall be kept open for the transaction of
business. If the board of supervisors does not fix the hours that the
offices described in this subdivision shall be kept open for the
transaction of business, then those offices shall be kept open for the
transaction of business every day from at least nine o'clock in the
forenoon to five o'clock in the afternoon, except Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays. During the months of July and August, such offices shall be
kept open from at least nine o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in
the afternoon of each day, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
3. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the offices described in
subdivision two hereof may close on the day before.
4. The board of supervisors may fix office hours not inconsistent with
this chapter or other law.
and general laws of this state and to the rules and regulations made
pursuant thereto, the board of supervisors may fix the number of hours
constituting a legal day's work for all classes of employees of the
county and grant to the employing officer or board the power to stagger
working hours. Time lost in any week because of inclement weather may be
made up during that week and the succeeding three weeks. Nothing herein
shall impair the effect of any official proclamation during an
2. The board of supervisors may fix the hours that the offices of the
county clerk, county treasurer, clerk of the board of supervisors and
civil office of the sheriff shall be kept open for the transaction of
business. If the board of supervisors does not fix the hours that the
offices described in this subdivision shall be kept open for the
transaction of business, then those offices shall be kept open for the
transaction of business every day from at least nine o'clock in the
forenoon to five o'clock in the afternoon, except Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays. During the months of July and August, such offices shall be
kept open from at least nine o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in
the afternoon of each day, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
3. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the offices described in
subdivision two hereof may close on the day before.
4. The board of supervisors may fix office hours not inconsistent with
this chapter or other law.