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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Courthouses and judicial expenditures
§ 218. Courthouses and judicial expenditures. 1. Except as otherwise
provided by law, each board of supervisors shall provide suitable rooms
for courts of record within the county including rooms for holding
court, grand and trial jurors, witnesses and attorneys during such terms
of court. Chambers shall be provided for any resident judge of the court
of appeals or justice of the supreme court and may be provided for the
county judge, surrogate, and family court judge. The board of
supervisors shall provide necessary and suitable furnishings together
with light, heat, telephone, law books, periodicals and such other
furniture, supplies or equipment as may be necessary for such courts to
properly function. If such board after a written request by any resident
judge of the court of appeals or justice of the supreme court presiding
therein fails after a reasonable time to furnish such provisions, such
judge or justice may require the sheriff to furnish the same and the
expense shall be a county charge. When such rooms are not being used for
court purposes, the same may be used for any other public purposes; and
additional rooms may be provided for hearings, examinations, clinics and
other lawful public purposes. When so ordered by the court, the sheriff
shall provide food and lodging for jurors kept together pending a trial
and their deliberation thereon, and for grand jurors kept together
pending an indictment or presentment and their deliberation thereon, and
the cost shall be paid by the county treasurer upon order of the
presiding judge or justice. The board shall provide for the expense of
printing and publishing proclamations, notices of terms and court
calendars as required by law. The compensation and lawful expenses of
court attendants, court criers, jurors, grand jurors, witnesses,
interpreters and stenographers, except as otherwise provided by law,
shall be a county charge and paid in the manner prescribed by law.

2. The board of supervisors shall audit and pay the fees allowable for
services rendered by justices of the peace, police justices, city
judges, police officers and peace officers of the cities, towns and
villages within the county in criminal proceedings, for or on account of
an offense which a court of special sessions has not jurisdiction to
try. A county shall pay any amount due to a town or village for the
services of a justice of the peace or police justice which is a county
charge upon presentation to it of a claim by the state comptroller for
such charges each quarter.