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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Increase of maximum amount to be expended
§ 280-t. Increase of maximum amount to be expended. At any time after
the establishment of a district pursuant to this article, the maximum
amount authorized to be expended for the original improvement in such
district may be increased by a resolution of the governing body provided
a petition requesting such increase executed and acknowledged in
accordance with section two hundred eighty-d is presented to the
governing body, and provided the governing body shall, after a public
hearing called and held in the manner prescribed by section two hundred
eighty-e, determined that it is in the public interest to authorize the
increase of such maximum amount and provided the comptroller of the
state of New York shall have made, prior to such public hearing, an
order approving the increase of such maximum amount as stated in the
petition. The order of the comptroller shall be prepared in duplicate
and one copy thereof filed in the office of the department of audit and
control and the other copy in the office of the clerk of the governing
body of the county in which the district is located.

If zones of assessment have been established, such resolution of the
governing body shall provide for the allocation of such increase as
between such zones of assessment, and the notice of such public hearing
shall state such allocation.