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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Medical assistance
§ 396-d. Medical assistance. Whenever a medical assistance clinic has
been established as provided in this article, all medical assistance
pursuant to title two of article five of the social services law may be
given at such clinic under the supervision of the head of such clinic to
those eligible persons electing to utilize the facilities of such
clinic. The services of qualified physicians, dentists, nurses,
optometrists, podiatrists and other related professional personnel shall
be made available at such clinic.

The clinic shall have adequate facilities for the dispensing of drugs,
sickroom supplies, eyeglasses, dentures, prosthetic appliances and shall
provide physical therapy, rehabilitative services and laboratory and
X-ray services.

Any professional medical personnel may be employed by the clinic on a
part or full time basis and shall receive such compensation for their
services as may be made available therefor by appropriation by the local
legislative body of the county.