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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Soldier burial plots in Dutchess county
§ 831. Soldier burial plots in Dutchess county. The legislature of the
county of Dutchess may authorize the purchase of burial plots and
provide for marker settings and perpetual care and maintenance of such
plots in one or more of the cemeteries of the county of Dutchess for
deceased veterans, who, at the time of death, were residents of the
county of Dutchess and who (i) were discharged from the armed forces of
the United States either honorably or under honorable circumstances, or
(ii) had a qualifying condition, as defined in section one of the
veterans' services law, and received a discharge other than bad conduct
or dishonorable, or (iii) were a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in
section one of the veterans' services law, and received a discharge
other than bad conduct or dishonorable. The expense thereof shall be a
county charge.