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This entry was published on 2024-08-02
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Madison county-tribal detention agreement
* § 854. Madison county-tribal detention agreement. Notwithstanding
any other inconsistent provision of law, the agreement executed between
the county of Madison and the Oneida Indian Nation executed on May
twenty-eighth, two thousand twenty-four, including, without limitation,
the provisions contained therein relating to confinement at the Madison
county correctional facility of incarcerated adults remanded by the
Oneida Indian Nation court, shall, upon its effective date and
continuing for two years thereafter, be deemed approved, ratified,
validated and confirmed by the legislature. It is the intention of the
legislature in enacting this section to ensure that the agreement be
fully enforceable in all respects as to the rights, benefits,
responsibilities and privileges of all parties under the agreement.

* NB Repealed May 28, 2026