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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appointment and salaries of counsel to the county clerks
§ 911. Appointment and salaries of counsel to the county clerks. The
clerk of each of the counties within the city of New York may appoint a
counsel who shall be an attorney and counselor-at-law with not less than
ten years' experience, and who shall receive an annual salary to be
fixed by the county clerk of his county within the amount provided by
the board of estimate.

Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this section or of any other
law, the salaries of any counsel to such county clerks may be increased
by the board of estimate of the city of New York, provided that if such
board increases the salaries of any such counsel above the salaries
provided for in this section, such board shall likewise have the power
to decrease any such salaries to any salaries not lower than the
salaries provided for in this section.