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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Economic Development Law
AN ACT in relation to economic development, constituting chapter fifteen
of the consolidated laws

Became a law January 20, 1944, with the approval of the Governor.
Passed, three-fifths being present

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:



1. Short title; definitions 1

2. Department of economic development 10

3. Organization of department; officers and employees 50

4. General powers of department 100

4-A. Division of minority and women's business development 115

4-B. Division for small-business 130

4-C. Procurement opportunities newsletter 140

5. New York State Marketing Act 150

5-A. New York State Tourist Promotion Act 160

5-B. New York State Tourism Advisory Council 170

5-C. Erie/Barge Canal development program 173

5-D. Agriculture Economic Development Program 178

5-E. Empire State Golf Trails Program 181-c

5-E*2. Empire state brewery trails program 181-c*2

5-F. Senior Tourism Attractions Program 181-f

6. New York State Economic Development Power Allocation Board 182

6-A Western New York Power Proceeds Allocation Act 189-a

7. Industrial Effectiveness Program 190

7-A. Northern New York Power Proceeds Allocation Act 197-a

8. Economic Development Skills Training Program 200

9. Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers 210

9-A. Come Home to New York Program 215
10. International Trade 220
11. Regional Economic Development 230
11-A. Business Marketing Program 235
12. Economic Information and Research 240
13. Industrial Infrastructure Development Program 250
14. Office of Waste Prevention Services 260
16. Olympic games facilitation act 340
17. Excelsior Jobs Program Act 350
18*. Division of Science, Technology and Innovation 360
18. Economic Transformation and Facility Redevelopment Program 400
19. Centers of Excellence Program 410
20. Empire State Jobs Retention Program 420
21. START-UP NY Program 430
22. Employee Training Incentive Program 441
25. Restaurant Return-To-Work Tax Credit Program 470
26. COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program 480
27. Newspaper and Broadcast Media Jobs Program 490