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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Expenses of sheriff for transporting prisoners
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 22
§ 602. Expenses of sheriff for transporting prisoners. For conveying
a prisoner or prisoners to a state prison from the county prison, the
sheriff or person having charge of the same shall be reimbursed for the
amount of expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him for railroad
fare or cost of other transportation and for cost of maintenance of
himself and each prisoner in going to the prison, and for his railroad
fare or other cost of transportation in returning home, and cost of his
maintenance while so returning. The county shall be reimbursed for a
portion of the salary of such sheriff or person for the period, not to
exceed thirty-six hours, from the commencement of transportation from
the county prison to the return of such sheriff or person to the county
prison, the amount of such reimbursement to be computed by adding to the
amount of such salary the total amount of the aforesaid expenses
incurred for transportation and maintenance and reducing the resulting
aggregate amount, first, by fifty per centum of such aggregate amount
and, second, by the total amount of the aforesaid expenses incurred for
transportation and maintenance.