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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Breast cancer screening and diagnostic testing
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 22
* § 627. Breast cancer screening and diagnostic testing. Breast cancer
screening and diagnostic testing shall be offered in accordance with
nationally recognized clinical practice guidelines for the detection of
breast cancer unless otherwise recommended by a physician at no cost to
individuals housed in state and local correctional facilities used for
the general confinement of incarcerated individuals and in any other
state or local facility where individuals are detained or confined by
law enforcement agencies. For the purposes of this section, "nationally
recognized clinical practice guidelines" means evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines informed by a systematic review of evidence and an
assessment of the benefits and risks of alternative care options
intended to optimize patient care, developed by independent
organizations or medical professional societies utilizing a transparent
methodology and reporting structure and with a conflict-of-interest

* NB Effective June 11, 2025