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This entry was published on 2021-08-13
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Discharge of incarcerated individuals to adult care facilities
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 4
§ 72-b. Discharge of incarcerated individuals to adult care
facilities. 1. An incarcerated individual about to be discharged to an
adult home, enriched housing program or residence for adults, as defined
in section two of the social services law, shall be referred only to
such home, program or residence that is consistent with that person's
needs and that operates pursuant to section four hundred sixty of the
social services law. No incarcerated individual shall be directly
referred to any facility that is required to be certified as an adult
care facility under the provisions of article seven of the social
services law, unless it has been determined that such facility has a
valid operating certificate.

2. No incarcerated individual about to be paroled, conditionally
released, transferred, released or discharged shall be referred to any
adult home, enriched housing program or residence for adults, as defined
in section two of the social services law, where the department of
corrections and community supervision has received written notice that
the facility has been placed on the "do not refer list" pursuant to
subdivision fifteen of section four hundred sixty-d of the social
services law.