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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Access to information of incarcerated individuals via the internet
Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 2
* § 9. Access to information of incarcerated individuals via the
internet. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any
information relating to the conviction of a person that is posted on a
website maintained by or for the department, under article six of the
public officers law, may be posted on such website for a period not to
exceed three years after the expiration of such person's sentence of
imprisonment and at the conclusion of any period of parole or
post-release supervision.

* NB Effective until December 21, 2025

* § 9. Access to information of incarcerated individuals via the
internet. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any
information relating to the conviction of a person that is posted on a
website maintained by or for the department, under article six of the
public officers law, may be posted on such website for a period not to
exceed three years after the expiration of such person's sentence of
imprisonment and at the conclusion of any period of parole or
post-release supervision; provided further, however, that any such
website that allows the public to search for incarcerated individual
information shall be programmed in such a manner that the search may be
successful by input of the incarcerated individual's current name, any
former legal name or any other known alias of the incarcerated
individual. To the extent the department collects an individual's
current name, former legal name, or any known alias from government
records utilized by the department, the department shall ensure that
such information is input into any website created pursuant to this
section, provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be
construed to require the department to obtain and input into the
department's electronic record-keeping applications any individual's
otherwise uncollected former legal name or any alias.

* NB Effective December 21, 2025