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The court constituted
New York City Criminal Court Act (CRC) CHAPTER 697, ARTICLE 2
§ 20. The court constituted. The criminal court of the city of New
York is hereby established as a single, city-wide court, as provided by
sections one and fifteen of article six of the constitution; it shall be
a part of the unified court system for the state, and a court of record
with such power and jurisdiction as are herein or elsewhere provided by
law. It shall consist of the number of justices of the court of special
sessions of the city of New York and magistrates of the city
magistrates' courts of the city of New York authorized by law on the
first day of March, nineteen hundred sixty-two. Each of the justices of
the court of special sessions of the city of New York and each of the
magistrates of the magistrates' courts of the city of New York in office
on the first day of September, nineteen hundred sixty-two shall, until
the last day of the year in which the term for which he was appointed
would otherwise have expired, be a judge of the criminal court of the
city of New York. In addition to the judges provided for herein, there
shall be thirty-one additional judges of the criminal court effective
January first, two thousand twenty-four. Such additional judges shall
receive the same compensation as the existing judges of the criminal
court the city of New York.