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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Chief and deputy chief clerks; other admistrative matters
New York City Criminal Court Act (CRC) CHAPTER 697, ARTICLE 2
§ 23. Chief and deputy chief clerks; other admistrative matters. (1)
There shall be a chief clerk of the court. The chief clerk and such
other non-judicial personnel as shall be authorized by rule or order of
court shall each have the power to administer oaths, take
acknowledgments and sign the process of the court under the seal
thereof. Other persons may also be authorized by rule or order of court
to administer oaths.

(2) The chief clerk shall keep the seal of the court, on which shall
be engraved the arms of the state and the words "Criminal Court of the
City of New York," and shall cause it to be affixed to the process of
the court and to certificates issuing therefrom.

(3) All fines paid into and received by the court shall be paid over
to the commissioner of finance of the city on or before the fifth day of
the following month, at which time the court shall cause a statement or
statements of fines received to be filed with the comptroller and the
commissioner of finance of the city.