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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Additional method of payment of fines
New York City Criminal Court Act (CRC) CHAPTER 697, ARTICLE 5
§ 61. Additional method of payment of fines. Rules or orders of court
may be adopted to govern the payment of fines by day or night by any
person accused of any offense or of violating any provision of any law,
rule or regulation without appearing in person, except in cases of
leaving the scene of an accident or any charge of a misdemeanor or
felony or any charge which may for reasons of public policy require the
personal appearance of the accused, for such period of time as shall be
deemed in the public interest; to fix the fine to be paid in each class
of case within the minimum and maximum amount set by law, rule or
regulation; to designate the place or places where such fines may be
paid; to prescribe the form of the summonses to be used and the manner
in which the plea of guilty shall be made; and the manner in which the
money shall be paid. Such rules or orders may provide:

(1) That a person pleading "not guilty", and asking that day be set
for a trial, may do so through a representative or by other means;

(2) That a clerk of the court set such day for trial;

(3) That sworn complaints be dispensed with in all classes of cases
where the accused person may be excused from personal appearance, and
where such accused person pleads guilty and pays the fine;

(4) That sworn complaints be dispensed with in any such class of case
where the accused pleads not guilty and waives a sworn complaint and
elects to be tried on the facts as stated in the summons but in that
event, the accuser shall be sworn by the judge to the facts stated in
the summons and all testimony taken in the trial shall be under oath as
provided by law.

So far as practicable, the rules or orders adopted as aforesaid shall
be uniform throughout the city.