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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Procedure upon interpleader; when independent claim barred
Court of Claims Act (CTC) CHAPTER 860, ARTICLE 3
§ 14. Procedure upon interpleader; when independent claim barred.
Parties interpleaded shall be served with the order of interpleader,
personally or by publication in manner provided for the service of a
citation in the surrogate's court, except that in the case of a claim
for land appropriated publication in one newspaper published in the
county where such land is located, once in each of four successive
weeks, shall be sufficient unless otherwise ordered by such court or
judge. Within three months from the time a party is so brought in he may
file a claim independently of the claim to which he has been made a
party. If he fails so to do, he may not thereafter file such an
independent claim except by permission granted by order of the court,
after notice to the attorney-general, pursuant to subdivision five of
section ten of this act.