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Civil Practice Law & Rules
AN ACT in relation to civil practice and prescribing rules of civil

procedure governing generally the civil procedure in the courts of the

state of New York and before the judges thereof, constituting chapter

eight of the consolidated laws

Became a law April 4, 1962, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,

by a majority vote,three-fifths being present

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Article 1. Short title, applicability and definitions. (101-107.)

2. Limitations of time. (201-218.)

3. Jurisdiction and service, appearance and choice of court.

(301-318, 320-322, 325-328.)

4. Special proceedings. (401-411.)

5. Venue. (501-515.)

6. Joinder of claims, consolidation and severance.


9. Class actions. (901-909.)

10. Parties generally. (1001-1004, 1006-1026.)

11. Poor persons. (1101-1103.)

12. Infants, incompetents and conservatees. (1201-1211.)

13. Actions by the state. (1301-1303.)

13-A. Proceeds of crime-forfeiture (1310-1352.)

13-B. Civil remedies; enterprise corruption. (1353-1355.)

14. Contribution. (1401-1404.)

14-A. Damage actions: effect of contributory negligence and

assumption of risk. (1411-1413.)

15. Actions against persons jointly liable. (1501-1502.)

16. Limited liability of persons jointly liable. (1600-1603.)

20. Mistakes, defects, irregularities and extensions of time.


21. Papers. (2101-2106.)

21-A. Filing of papers in the courts by facsimile transmission

and by electronic means. (2110-2112)

22. Stay, motions, orders and mandates.

(2201, 2211-2215, 2217-2223.)

23. Subpoenas, oaths and affirmations. (2301-2309.)

24. Publication. (2401-2402.)

25. Undertakings. (2501-2513.)

26. Property paid into court. (2601-2609.)

27. Disposition of property in litigation. (2701-2703.)

30. Remedies and pleading.

(3001-3005, 3011-3026, 3031-3037, 3041-3045.)

31. Disclosure. (3101-3118, 3120-3126, 3130-3133, 3140.)

32. Accelerated judgment. (3201, 3211-3222.)

34. Calendar practice; trial preferences. (3401-3408.)

40. Trial generally. (4001, 4011-4019.)

41. Trial by a jury. (4101-4113.)

42. Trial by the court. (4201, 4211-4213.)

43. Trial by a referee. (4301, 4311-4321.)

44. Trial motions. (4401-4406.)

45. Evidence. (4501-4534, 4536-4551.)

50. Judgments generally. (5001-5004, 5011-5021.)

50-A. Periodic payment of judgments in medical and dental

malpractice actions. (5031-5034, 5036-5039.)

50-B. Periodic payment of judgments in personal injury, injury

to property and wrongful death actions. (5041-5049.)

51. Enforcement of judgments and orders generally.


52. Enforcement of money judgments.

(5201-5211, 5221-5242, 5250-5252.)

53. Recognition of foreign country money judgments.


54. Enforcement of judgments entitled to full faith and

credit summary of article. (5401-5408.)

55. Appeals generally. (5501, 5511-5532.)

56. Appeals to the court of appeals. (5601-5602, 5611-5615.)

57. Appeals to the appellate division.

(5701-5704, 5711-5713.)

60. Provisional remedies generally. (6001.)

62. Attachment. (6201-6204, 6210-6226.)

63. Injunction. (6301, 6311-6315, 6330.)

63-A. Extreme risk protection orders. (6340-6348.)

64. Receivership. (6401-6405.)

65. Notice of pendency. (6501, 6511-6516.)

70. Habeas corpus. (7001-7012.)

71. Recovery of chattel. (7101-7112.)

72. Recovery of penalty or forfeiture. (7201-7205.)

75. Arbitration. (7501-7516.)

75-A. Health care arbitration. (7550-7565.)

76. Proceeding to enforce agreement for determination of

issue. (7601.)

77. Proceeding relating to express trust. (7701-7706.)

78. Proceeding against body or officer. (7801-7806.)

80. Fees. (8001-8022.)

81. Costs generally. (8101-8110.)

82. Amount of costs. (8201-8204.)

83. Disbursements and additional allowances. (8301--8303-a.)

84. Taxation of costs. (8401-8404.)

85. Security for costs. (8501-8503.)

86. Counsel fees and expenses in certain actions against the

state. (8600-8605.)

90. Failure or adjournment of term of court. (9001-9003.)

94. Admission to practice. (9401-9407.)

97. Records of clerks of the courts. (9701-9703.)

98. Actions against villages. (9801-9804.)

100. Repeal; saving clauses; effective date. (10001-10005.)