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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assistance to tribunals and litigants outside the state
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 3
Rule 328. Assistance to tribunals and litigants outside the state.

(a) Pursuant to court order. Upon application by any interested person
or in response to letters rogatory issued by a tribunal outside the
state, the supreme court or a county court of the state may order
service upon any person who is domiciled or can be found within the
state of any document issued in connection with a proceeding in a
tribunal outside the state. The order shall direct the manner of

(b) Without court order. Service in connection with a proceeding in a
tribunal outside the state may be made within the state without an order
of court.

(c) Effect. Service under this rule does not, of itself, require the
recognition or enforcement of an order, judgment or decree rendered
outside the state.