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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Competency of inhabitants as justices or jurors; undertakings not required of village
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 41
§ 4110-a. Competency of inhabitants as justices or jurors;
undertakings not required of village. In an action brought by or against
a village it shall not be an objection against the person acting as
justice or juror in such action that he is a resident of the village or
subject to taxation therein. It shall not be necessary for the village
to give a bond, undertaking or security to appeal or to obtain a
provisional remedy, or to take or prevent any other proceeding; or to do
or perform any act or thing notwithstanding any provision of any other
law to the contrary, but the village shall be liable to the same extent
as if it had given the bond, undertaking or security otherwise required
by or in pursuance of law.